Veteran Prevails on VA Claim Appeal for PTSD Resulting from Sexual Assault

Veteran Prevails on VA Claim Appeal January 23, 2019, Washington, DC – Bergmann & Moore attorneys prevailed on behalf of a disabled Veteran who sought disability benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for more than ten years. In August 2008, the Veteran filed her claim with the local VA…

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VA Renews Opposition to Agent Orange Benefits for Blue Water Navy Vietnam War Veterans

January 18, 2019,, Richard Sisk VA Renews Opposition The Department of Veterans Affairs shows no signs of backing off opposition to extending Agent Orange health care and benefits to “Blue Water Navy” Vietnam Veterans, setting up another major battle this year with Veterans groups and overwhelming majorities in the House and…

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Puerto Rico Vietnam War Veteran Prevails on VA Claim Appeal for PTSD

Puerto Rico Vietnam War Veteran January 14, 2018, Washington, DC – Bergmann & Moore prevailed on behalf of a Vietnam War Veteran who sought disability compensation benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). In March 2015, the Army Veteran, who served as an interrogator of enemy prisoners of war, reopened…

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Widow of Washington State Vietnam War Veteran Prevails on VA Claim Appeal for Agent Orange – Related Benefits

Widow of Washington State Vietnam War Veteran December 2018, Washington, DC – Bergmann & Moore (B&M) attorneys prevailed on behalf of a disabled Vietnam War Veteran, and then his widow, who sought benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for more than 12 years. In May 2006, the Navy Veteran…

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Maryland Veteran Prevails on VA Claim Appeal for Mental Health

December 13, 2018, Washington, DC 2018 Bergmann & Moore (B&M) prevailed on behalf of a peacetime Veteran who sought disability compensation benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). In December 2014, the Army Veteran reopened his claim for schizotypal personality disorder, a mental health condition, with his local VA Regional…

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Michigan Veteran Prevails on VA Claim Appeal for PTSD and IU

  December 4, 2018, Washington, DC Bergmann & Moore (B&M) attorneys prevailed on behalf of a disabled Vietnam War Veteran who sought benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for nearly 17 years. In January 2002, the Army Veteran filed his original claim for disability benefits for his posttraumatic stress…

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New York Widow Granted DIC Benefits Based on Glioblastoma After VA Claim Appeal

New York Widow Granted DIC Benefits November 27, 2018, Washington, DC – Bergmann & Moore (B&M) prevailed on behalf of a Vietnam War Veteran’s widow who was denied survivor benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). In March 2013, a widow living in New York filed a death benefit claim…

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Burn-pit exposure likely leads to higher cancer mortality rate among Army vets: new study

November 21, 2018, Fox News, By Perry Chiaramonte Burn-pit exposure likely U.S. Veterans who were deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan have a higher rate of contracting cancer due to exposure to open-air burn pits, a recently released medical research study has found. To read the full article

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GAO finds VA contractors not meeting timeliness, accuracy standards on exams

November 13, 2018, Stars and Stripes, Nikki Wentling GAO finds VA contractors not meeting timeliness WASHINGTON — The Department of Veterans Affairs doesn’t have the tools to track whether private-sector medical providers are accurately giving exams that help determine whether Veterans are eligible for VA benefits, a government watchdog agency found. To…

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Court forces VA to reveal extent of Veterans’ contamination in Spanish nuclear disaster

November 14, 2018, Military Times, Leo Shane III Contamination in Spanish nuclear disaster WASHINGTON — An appeals court will force Veterans Affairs officials to identify how many troops may have been exposed to radioactive debris from a 1966 plane crash, a move that supporters hope will be the precursor to a class-action…

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