Nebraska Veteran Prevails on VA Claim Appeal for Asthma and Other Conditions

November 13, 2018, Washington, DC Bergmann & Moore (B&M) attorneys prevailed on behalf of a disabled Gulf War Veteran who sought benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). In 2004, the Army Veteran filed a claim for disability benefits, and over the next few years, the Regional Office (RO) granted…

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New Jersey Veteran Granted IU Benefits Based on PTSD After VA Claim Appeal

November 5, 2018, Washington, DC Bergmann & Moore (B&M) prevailed on behalf of a Vietnam War Veteran who was denied a higher rating for his Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). In April 2014, the New Jersey Veteran filed a disability benefits claim for PTSD.  In…

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Doing right by vets: Give Agent Orange benefits to Blue Water Navy

Give Agent Orange benefits to Blue Water Navy October 28, 2018, The Editorial Board, The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette How can the federal government be sure that sailors stationed aboard Navy and Coast Guard ships off Vietnam’s coast weren’t exposed to Agent Orange? It can’t, and that’s why the U.S. Senate should pass a…

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Alabama Veteran Prevails on VA Claim Appeal for Unemployability

October 22, 2018, Washington, DC Bergmann & Moore attorneys prevailed on behalf of a disabled Vietnam-era Veteran who sought individual unemployability (IU) benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). In September 2011, the Alabama Veteran filed a claim for IU, alleging he was unemployable due to his ischemic heart disease. …

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Shortage of benefit experts means Michigan struggles to get Veterans the help they need

October 9, 2018, Michigan Radio Shortage of benefit experts Michael Smith is the director of the Washtenaw County Department of Veterans Affairs. He served a collective 21 years in the U.S. Army and is now an Accredited Veteran Service Officer. He joined Stateside to talk about the challenges that many veterans face when navigating the…

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Georgia Vietnam Veteran’s Widow Prevails on VA Claim Appeal for Rare Cancer

Georgia Vietnam Veteran’s Widow Prevails October 9, 2018, Washington, DC – Bergmann & Moore attorneys prevailed on behalf of a Vietnam War Veteran’s widow who sought survivor benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) after the Veteran died. The widow believed the Veteran’s death was related to his military service. …

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Commentary: Do what’s right for our Blue Water Vietnam Veterans

September 22, 2018, Navy Times, Christopher W. Cole The Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2017 (H.R. 299) is currently languishing in the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, and as a result, vital funding of benefits that impacts the lives and livelihoods of Veterans now hangs in the balance.  The fact that a funding…

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Ohio Veteran Prevails at Court on VA Claim Appeal for PTSD and Back Condition

Ohio Veteran Prevails at Court September 25, 2018, Washington, DC – Bergmann & Moore (B&M) attorneys prevailed on behalf of Gulf War era Veteran who sought benefits for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and a back condition from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). In March 2008, the Veteran of Operation Provide Hope in…

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VA May Have Erred in Rejecting Sexual Trauma Claims

August 21, 2018, Wall Street Journal, Ben Kesling VA May Have Erred The Department of Veterans Affairs didn’t follow proper procedure when it denied hundreds of claims by Veterans seeking support and treatment for sexual trauma they said they suffered while in uniform, according to a department watchdog report released Tuesday.  In…

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Combat Veterans Coming Home with CTE – Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

September 16, 2018, CBS News, Sharyn Alfonsi Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Until a few years ago, National Football League (NFL) players who struggled with severe depression, bouts of rage and memory loss in their retirement were often told they were just having a hard time adjusting to life away from the game. Doctors…

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