Legion partner helping Legionnaires get benefits earned under Camp Lejeune Justice Act
Legion’s DSO training partner hoping to level ‘the playing field’ against claims agents
Success of Legion service officers heard on convention floor
VA offers advice to help PACT Act benefits filers avoid scams
Legion inks MOU on Camp Lejeune Justice Act
American Legion launches new service officer school
Legion holds DSO School to better serve America’s Veterans, their families
Kennebec Journal – Morning Sentinel: “Watchdog links Togus to ‘nationwide systemic problems with mental health services.”
Las Vegas Review-Journal: “VA claims backlog, signature problem frustrate valley Air Force Veteran
Military Times: “Deployment environmental reports not in military health.”
Fox News: “Vets groups slam Obama administration’s proposed VA disability filing rule.”
International Business Times: “The VA’s War: Department of Veterans Affairs and Congress Clash Over Suicide Charges”
Defense One: “Why Obama is just the latest president unable to Fix the VA.”
USA Today: “Longer appeals leave older vets without benefits for years.”
Kennebec Journal – Morning Sentinel: “Togus VA system probed over allegations of shortcuts, omissions.”
The Washington Post: “Veterans face another backlog a quarter-million appeal disability claims.”
International Business Times: “VA is broken: Death, medical mistreatment, claims backlogs and neglect at Veterans Affairs hospitals and clinics.”
The Washington Examiner: “VA errors force more vets into years-long appeals on disability claims.”
The Washington Post: “Veteran’s court’ faces backlog that continues to grow”
Salem-News.com: “VA links brain cancer to Agent Orange exposure in recent court decision”
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