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Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC)

Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) is a tax-free monthly benefit paid to a qualifying surviving dependent of a deceased Veteran. Surviving dependents could include:
  • A surviving spouse of a Veteran.
  • Dependent children of a Veteran.
  • Surviving dependent parents of a Veteran.
Click here to learn more information about surviving dependent eligibility and requirements for submitting a DIC claim.

While there is no time limit for filing a DIC claim, doing so within one year of the Veteran’s death can result in benefits retroactive to the date of the Veteran’s death.  Otherwise, the effective date will be the date the claim is filed.

Bergmann & Moore has been successful in winning DIC benefits for surviving dependents. If you’ve received an unfavorable decision from VA, Bergmann & Moore may be able to help.

Please fill out our Free Consultation form to get started.
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